Finally, payroll review done by your standards

Celery’s AI Payroll Guard works alongside your staff and HRIS to verify company policies and ensure the accuracy of every single pay slip, every payment cycle.

Works with

and more

* No software setup or IT assistance Required

“With Celery's Payroll Guard, I no longer have to hope that payroll fluctuations are fully and properly checked”

- Mark Jay, Senior Financial Controller, Ultimate Care

See how Celery reduced Ultimate Care’s payroll costs by $151,000

Helping Dozens of Senior Care Providers

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Eliminate manual spot checks and adjustments

...and check 91% fewer pay stubs each cycle

Celery is the extra pair of eyes you need to reduce your payroll costs and save hours on manual controls. It runs over 100 tests to find needles in your haystack of records, like unauthorized overtime, miscalculated pay and inaccurate deductions.

It’s easy: just upload your spreadsheet, see which pay stubs need your attention and how to solve the problem.

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Per 1,000 employees lost to time
& expense errors by US businesses

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Mistakes on average in every US payroll

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Issues per 1000 payslips on average

Find employees gaming the system

Get alerts for the payments you need to double-check, benchmarked against your historical data.

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Set new rules and policies simply and proactively

Found new issues? Want to implement new rules and policies? No problem - teach the AI instead of adding more SOPs

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Save hours each week on collection & analysis

Automate the repetitive processes you can’t do quickly, freeing up your time to focus on strategy.

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Get Facility Procedures Under Control

Verify that facility managers are following protocol

See instant alerts for discrepancies or potential fraud

Make sure there’s a safety net for the busiest intervals

Start validating payroll
Get Started
Enforce 3 rules every cycle, for free

See the full picture
in one place

Clear visualizations of the trends in your data

Perform your entire payroll audit on Celery

Track key financial metrics & KPIs

Start validating payroll
Get Started
Enforce 3 rules every cycle, for free

Get set up in minutes

Fast, easy onboarding

No integrations required

Upload your .CSV/XLS file without making adjustments

Start validating payroll
Get Started
Enforce 3 rules every cycle, for free

How Celery works

Define Policies and Rules

Teach Celery's AI how to perform payroll reviews that meet your personal and organizational standards and policies

Upload your payroll report

All Celery needs is a .csv or .xls file downloaded directly from your existing HRIS and IT systems

See the discrepancies on individual pay stubs or across the business

Celery runs over 100 tests for analytics, validation, threshold, completeness & fraud, giving you detailed reports with clear visualizations.

Fix errors before payments go out 

Diagnose the problem and see which pay stubs need your attention.  Celery tells you where to look and why, so you only need to review the approx. 9% that contain discrepancies.

Certified for enterprise-grade security

Celery is SOC2 certified to protect and safeguard sensitive financial data.

Get Better Payroll Controls, Today.

Enforce 3 rules for every pay slip, every cycle - free.
It takes just 15 minutes to get started

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Increase in retention

Want to see what’s hiding in your data?
We’ll audit your last quarter for free.

Celery can show you what you’re not seeing, with enterprise-grade data security.
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